Keller Texas Ear Nose Throat Doctors at Texas ENT Center

BOTOX® DEBUNKED -6 Facts That Crush BOTOX® Myths

October 18, 2016

There’s this stigma that anyone who uses BOTOX® will be called fake and look like a permanently frozen Barbie Doll.

There are some myths that BOTOX® is not FDA approved, is only used on women, and permanently freezes a person’s muscles. We want to prove to you that BOTOX® is FDA approved, is used by women and men, and is safe.

Let’s assess the facts and allow you to make up your own assumptions.

MYTH #1: BOTOX® isn’t FDA approved.

FACT: In 2002, BOTOX® became FDA approved and has sold a minimum of 10.9 million vials of BOTOX® in the United States since then. It has been distributed all over the country and used on all types of people with different backgrounds. That’s a lot of BOTOX®!

BOTOX CosmeticMYTH #2: BOTOX® is only used for wrinkles.

FACT: According to the FDA, BOTOX® is used in small doses to treat “chronic migraines, severe underarm sweating, eyelid spasms, and misalignment of the eyes (when one or both eyes turn inward or outward).” It can also be used for: temporary smoothing of facial wrinkles, cervical dystonia, and an overactive bladder.

MYTH #3: BOTOX® is only used by women.

FACT: BOTOX® isn’t just for women! Since 2013, “approximately 1 in 10 BOTOX® cosmetic patients are men.” BOTOX® clinical trials revealed roughly 17.5% of those with severe frown lines and about 12% of those with crow’s feet were men.

MYTH #4: BOTOX® makes people look fake and frozen.

FACT: BOTOX® will not make you look like you’ve had work done. Because BOTOX® is a “technique-sensitive” treatment, if performed by a licensed medical expert, it will not look like you’ve had treatment… meaning, you won’t look frozen! It is a minimal procedure that involves very small needles being injected in the desired site. It takes about 10 minutes to perform.

MYTH #5: After receiving BOTOX®, you need a few days to recover.

FACT: Recovery time is very minimal. Because BOTOX® is not invasive, anyone receiving BOTOX® may resume their day after injections.

MYTH #6: BOTOX® instantly freezes the site of injection.

FACT: Botox® is not immediate; however, it still works quickly. While it does depend on the individual, it typically takes anywhere from 3-7 days to notice a difference. The first time BOTOX® is used, it can last about 3-4 months. Typically, BOTOX® lasts longer the more it is used.

BOTOX® performed by a “board certified physician who is either a dermatologist, plastic surgeon, ear-nose-and-throat surgeon, or ophthalmologist.” By not having a certified physician perform BOTOX®, you run the risk of: scarring, significant bruising, aesthetic complications, and the use of expired BOTOX® being used.

At Texas ENT Center, our goal is for the patient to be satisfied with their BOTOX® results as well as enjoy their entire experience in the office. We guarantee excellent customer service, loyalty to our patients, and the highest degree of professional integrity.

Dr. Brandon Christianson is a Board Certified Ear, Nose, and Throat Surgeon and is properly trained to perform BOTOX®. He would love to get to know you and share his expertise on appropriate doses of BOTOX® for you!

If you’re interested in BOTOX®, be sure to follow our Facebook page to stay up to date on current promotions. Call our office today at (817) 431-7985 to schedule a consultation to see if BOTOX® is right for you!

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Office hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Office phone: (817) 431-7985
Office location: 4601 Heritage Trace Parkway, Fort Worth, TX 76244 (at the intersection of Beach Street and Heritage Trace Parkway)


BOTOX Cosmetic

BOTOX® is a natural neurotoxin, which blocks nerve impulses to the muscles that cause wrinkles. When we frown or use certain muscles excessively, the skin is gathered into a fold causing a chronic furrow or wrinkle. BOTOX® can be injected into these muscles. This allows the muscle to relax and the skin that lies over these muscles smoothes out. BOTOX® can be used for the horizontal frown lines in the forehead, vertical frown lines between the eyes, and the "crows feet" around the eyes. After an injection it takes on average 3-7 days to start working. The results typically last 3-4 months with repeat injections necessary to maintain the desired result.

BOTOX & Other Cosmetic Procedures

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